Saturday, May 22, 2010


My bestestestest friend ever! (in fifth grade) is Spending the night!!!!!!!!! :) .............It's 2:05 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're planning to stay up the WHOLE night! We are not even tired yet we have LOTS AND LOTS of CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only bad thing is that Maggie has to go to a wedding in the morning :(Oh well she can sleep during the reception! hahaha jk!!


Lynn Cohen said...

This is so funny. I bet you slept the whole next day away too!!!! You girls sure sounded like you were having FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember doing that with my across the street best freind, Patty, when we were kids. Once the moon was shining in the window of my bedroom and I said "Someone is parking their lights in my eyes!" and we thought that was so funny we roared with laughter and could not stop! Well, maybe you had to be there, it was funny at the time!!! (circa 1951)!!! ;-)
PS Tell your mom I said hi.

Jenny☻ said...

hahahah yah me and her were laughing for no reason we kept jumping on the bed!!!!!!