Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Research Prodject

I am doing a report at school.It is about humpback whales.All the other people in my group are doing it about George Washington,calendar,Manny Ramirez,and flying squirrel.I like doing reports.Well got to go.


Anonymous said...

im doing gorge washington

Karen Smithey said...

I can't wait to see your research project when it's all done. I'll bet you find out lots of interesting things about whales!

Lynn Cohen said...

Wow, Whales! I love whales. Will you post some of what you learn and write about? I'd love to read it. Will it have pictures too? Hope so. I'll come back to see.

Carmen said...

Hey Jenni! Great blog. Good luck with your project, sounds very interesting.

Bonnie / Graybonnie said...

Hope you are having fun learning about humpback whales. I would love to go on a whale watching trip.

Jessica Gottlieb said...

Jenny, I can't wait to see your work. Your mom is always telling us about you.

Humpback whales "speak" to each other, do you know how far that sound travels?

Anonymous said...

Whales are great! I loved doing reports too! Hope you learn lots of interesting stuff on whales!

Olivia said...


I love humpback whales. I too hope you post something about what you learned. My husband took a video of me underwater in Hawaii. It was the first video he ever took with his camera. Accidentally, some whales songs showed up on it. You can watch and listen to it here:

I am going to subscribe to your blog so that I can read more about your life.

Blessings to you,


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny ~

I'm really interesting in whales and I'm hoping you'll continue to post about this topic. I'd like to find out what you've learned. They look so graceful in the water. I think they are beautiful.

Oh yeah, and btw, I bookmarked you, I hope that's ok????

Have a great Halloween!

Aurora said...

hi--I worked in fishing boats in Alaska--and we saw whales all the time--they would swim real close to our boat sometimes--they are magical creatures!

$helby ;) said...
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Unknown said...

Have fun learning about whales - they are awesome creatures! I still haven't been whale watching but I will some day. I've seen lots of dolphins in the wild though and I love them too. I like thinking about all the sea life no one has even discovered yet...

(I also think it's awesome you're only 8 and you have a blog!)