Monday, October 27, 2008

The witches

At school our teacher is reading us a book called The Witches.It is a really cool book .It is about witches.All the witches have blue spit,wear a wig,have no toes,and torture children.But the only thing i do not like about it is that my teacher always stops at the good part.But I figure out what happens the next day.Bye I am going to write another post or do my homework.Ido not want to do my homework :(


Anonymous said...

you forgot they have claws

Lynn Cohen said...

This book sounds very cool. Who wrote it? I'd like to read it too.
Blue spit! LOL
Don't you just hate it when they stop at the best part? Leaves you wanting teacher! ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOVE your blog. This book sounds really good. You are so cool, too.


I just heard of a recipe for a good witches brew for Halloween parties. The person being the witch stirs in all these ingredients, pretending they are really icky things.

fake blood:
Hawaiian Punch or Kool Aid, 6 cups

bog water:
Sprite 4 cups

bat toes:
cherries or other fruit

frog eyes:

then drop in some Pop Rocks candy to make it sizzle.


French Lepard said...

If you liked The Witches, check out other books by Roald Dahl. I have been reading them to my 10 yr. old son and we love them. There is also an autobiographical bit Mr. Dahl wrote (I think it's in a book called,The Wonderful Story of HENRY SUGAR and Six More. The story is LUCKY BREAK: HOW I BECAME A WRITER). His life story is very interesting - he was sent to boarding school in England at a very young age. Anyway, kudos to you for blogging!! Jlf