Saturday, February 17, 2007

Six Weird Things About Me

I got tagged by Katie to write six weird things about me:

1. I ate toxic glue when I was little, so my parents had to call Health Control.

2. I'm the only one in my family with blue eyes.

3. I run like a squirrel.

4. I hate purple but love pink!

5. My first two initials are JK which also means just kidding.

6. I love carrots more than pizza and ice cream


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the toxic glue makes you run like a squirrel? Did the squirrels tell you that, or your big sister?

You are so crazy - who would like carrots that much? Maybe you should try a carrot pizza, or carrot ice cream, instead.

Anonymous said...

oh, yeah
that was me before


Anonymous said...

i have tryed orange ice cream

Lynn Cohen said...

You are lucky that you like carrots more than ice cream!
Sounds like you will be automatically healthy this way!
Happy running Ms. Squirrel,
just kidding!!!!