Monday, January 05, 2009

BABY GUINEA PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patch gave birth last night. As you see the baby is in the first and second picture.She is white with red eyes. She will grow up with me her mom and her dad.We think its a girl but you cant tell for sure.We are thinking of the names marshmellow or sugar.She is really really really soft.We did not see the birth but I only care if she is alive.So now im a grandma at the age of nine. My mom went in my room in the early morning and as cute as a button just sitting there was the baby. She ran over and looked at it picked it up slowly and said "Please don't be dead." But then the baby moved and my mom felt better. Then my mom yelled to me and my sister and said "GIRLS COME QUICK!Then my sister shouted "BABY GUINEA PIGS!"We ran fast up the stairs and saw her we both held her and loved her. I woke my dad and brother up and showed them they liked her/him and that is the story.


$helby ;) said...

it is so cute it donsent even look like them

Olivia said...

What a sweet story, Jenny! How nice to be a Grandma :) Peace, Olivia

Lynn Cohen said...

Oh Jenny being a grandma is the best! I know!!!!
Your grandgpig is adorable.
How sweet to have one white one with two reddish brown parents.
Only one this batch?
Will she keep you up nights?

Robin said...

Congratulations!! She/He is so cute.

TerBear said...


Your little baby is SO cute. What a fun experience! I too am so happy that it is doing well.

My grandson has a pet Guinea Pig. Her name is Beatrice and she is very sweet.

Enjoy loving your three "friends."

Terri (Guinea Pig Great-Grandma) ;-)

Banna said...

hi i am not one of your firends so can i become one and i do aggre

Banna said...

go to google and type in bannas world to see my blog